2. 适用对象
3. 课程安排
- 第1周: Introduction to Golf
- 第2周: Golf Equipment and Storage
- 第3周: Golf Course and Equipment
- 第4周: Putting and Driving
- 第5周: Golf Swing and Stance
- 第6周: Ball and Scoring
- 第7周: Team Scramble and Touch
- 第8周: Golf Tournament and Strategy
4. 教学内容
- Golf Course Layout and Terrain
- Golf Equipment Types and Uses
- Golf Swing Techniques and Analysis
- Golf Ball Types and Scavenging
- scoring and stroke regulations
- team scoring and game strategy
5. 教学方式
- Demonstration and Explanation
- Practice and Swing
- Team Practice and Discussion
- Scoring and Analysis
6. 教学目标
- Understand the basic rules and procedures of golf
- Ability to挥拍和推球
- Knowledge of different golf balls and their properties
- Ability to辨认和统计分数
- Understanding basic golf strategy and game tactics
7. 注意事项
- Please wear appropriate golfing attire and shoes
- Please bring a water bottle and snacks for breaks
- Please be on time and respectful to others
- Please follow the instructions and feedback of the instructor
- 场地:至少8个发球区,1个练习区,1个果岭区
- 设施:发球筒,练习球,果岭,球杆,记分牌